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Meet the Team: Actors Bookers

written by
Jodie Moss**


Ever wondered what the day to day life of our actors team is like? In a busy and fast-paced role, our bookers work to match our fantastic actors, presenters and voiceover artists with our client's exciting and varied briefs. In our 'Meet the Team' post today we are getting to know our Actors Bookers, Hannah, Ellie, Daisy and our latest member of the Actors team...Katie! To learn more about the role of an actors booker and to meet our fantastic team, keep reading. 



Senior Actors Booker, Hannah has been with us at SR for over four years now after leaving her previous job at ASOS. Hannah works hard to provide clients with actors and presenters for all platforms. She is also in charge of ensuring all of our actors have fantastic, up-to-date showreels. It's a tough job but she says that seeing a job through from initial brief to the end result is the best part of her job.


At her happiest basking in the sun with a book, Hannah is truly a relaxing character to hang out with - but that doesn't mean she's not a giggle a minute! With more embarrassing stories than she can count, we LOVE having Hannah in the SR family. Her favourite thing to do is spend time with her friends and family as well as trips to the theatre. Despite being a keen traveller, Hannah loves nothing more than getting cosy on the sofa and doing NOTHING. Her proudest achievement is being awarded her degree in English and Drama from UEA and her hidden talent is Harry Potter trivia (her go-to subject in our recent team quiz).



Actors Booker, Ellie joined the SR team in 2020 having trained as a professional performer and spent the 5 years prior dancing her way around the globe. Although she has loved travelling the world, she tells us she is happy to finally be settled back in the UK. No stranger to the world of castings herself, Ellie knows what she's talking about and exactly how our actors & presenters feel when attending auditions and castings. 


As a booker, Ellie works hard to partner our clients with the perfect actor for the brief and says the best thing about her job is the variety of jobs and people we get to work with - no two days are the same! The booking desk is super busy but being naturally organised helps Ellie to keep on top of the wide range of briefs that come in. Ellie says her love for planning and organising is crucial in her job, but luckily she gets plenty of practice when bossing her boyfriend around. 


Ellie's favourite day of the week is Sunday, usually spend with her boyfriend and family... hopefully with a Rhubbard Gin & Tonic in hand too! If not enjoying family time, you can find Ellie teaching dance classes on the weekend or listening to podcasts. 



Already making us giggle lots in the office, Daisy tells us her most embarrassing story is asking her mum if she could take air guitar lessons when she started 'big school' LOL! We loved Daisy from our first meeting, holding all the SR values she makes an excellent addition to the team. She is inspired by Rihanna for being a boss businesswoman and promoting diversity and loving your body no matter what which we are SO here for.


Outside of work after a busy day on the booking desk, you can find Daisy spending time with her friends, family and dog or getting in trouble stealing her boyfriend's socks. When we asked Daisy what makes her happiest, she replied "sitting in the sun with a glass of prosecco"... of course, a love of prosecco is essential to be part of team SR! Daisy's proudest achievement is buying her first home.


The newest member of the SR team, apprentice booker Katie tells us her biggest achievement is finding her apprenticeship (in which she is excelling). Her mum is her biggest inspiration because she works so hard at everything and she puts everyone above herself. We asked Katie what she would learn if she could learn anything and she answered "sign language" which is really admirable - go Katie!


Katie's favourite thing about her job is having made friends out of her colleagues and loves working every day with a group of great girls! After work, she loves to spend time with her grandad and watch DIY SOS with him. 


We hope you enjoyed today's blog! Head to the main blog page to get to know the rest of the SR team here.


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written by Jodie Moss**

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