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Not Just a Pretty Face | Asha

written by
Erin Flock

Every now and again we like to stop and marvel at some of the incredible things our models and actors get up to when they're not busy looking fabulous in front of a camera. Proving that Team SR are more than just pretty faces, we want to introduce you to some remarkable individuals. 


Meet the model, Asha, who has recently climbed Mount Everest! 



Tell us what inspired you to climb Mount Everest?

The idea came up at a family gathering a few years ago, or at least that’s how I remember it... I was inspired by the idea that it would be a challenge – every couple of years, I try to do something difficult and different to the everyday norm and this was the out-of-comfort zone activity that was next on the bucket list! My mum and I have done a few treks in the past including Kilimanjaro, Marka Valley, Ben Nevis and a trekking holiday to Austria. My uncles were also keen on doing a trip, it's the highest peak in the world and the Himalayas are deeply connected to spirituality so Everest seemed like one for the books!

The original plan was actually to do the trek in 2020 but due to Covid-19, it was postponed a good few times. Even up until January 2022, we weren’t sure if we’d get to go so it was all quite up in the air until the last moment.


So you completed the climb with your mum and uncles, why did you choose to do it with them?

I did the trip with my mum and her two younger brothers because we’re a super close family and whilst my aunties are (quite literally) the lives of the party, my uncles are the outdoorsy ones. I’m super grateful I got to share the trip with my mum as she’s my main inspiration and the one that started the trekking tradition. My family seemed like the perfect companions because we all know each other so well, they’re all some of the most determined people I know and good times are always guaranteed with them!


How was the training, what sort of things did you have to do to prepare and how long did you train for?

To be honest, I had a bit of a rough time in the lead up to the trip. I got coronavirus in January, and then went too hard at the gym the day after I got out of isolation and caused myself a knee injury. Just as that was healing, I tripped down the stairs one morning on the way to an SR modelling job – so in the end, I just spent the time recovering to avoid any more injuries! I did hot yoga for a month prior which definitely helped to build some strength and stamina.

Generally, the recommended training is at least 6-8 weeks of incline walks on the treadmill for at least 30-60 minutes a day which mimics the trek itself. It’s the altitude that’s the crafty one – the thing that you can’t prepare for!


How far did you climb?

We climbed to Base Camp which is 5364m above sea level, it’s a whole new world up there. The various landscapes are stunning throughout the trek but, seeing glaciers and crater lakes was otherworldly. Admittedly, a newfound curiosity about summitting to Everest’s peak has been ignited in me since – maybe one day!


Asha Modha - Mount Everest


Can you tell us what your proudest achievement of the experience is?

Patience. Slow and steady wins the race - also surviving two weeks without a hair wash.

I found that there's something therapeutic about stripping back from our everyday luxuries (though we did get the occasional electric blanket and connection to WiFi) - it feels like a hint at how simply our ancestors would have lived. It was a great escape: clean, fresh air, sunlight, what you see is around you is all physical and real and all you have to really worry about is surviving – a stark contrast to the digital world we’re consumed by these days. I’d definitely recommend the trip – or any trek for that matter. Also, the magnitude of the majestic mountains reminded me of how insignificant we are as humans, but also how amazing it is that we survive and thrive every day.

View Asha and other sports & fitness models  HERE

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written by Erin Flock

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