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Team SR Casting Tips

written by
Georgia Butler


Team SR Casting Tips!

We've got together with some of our models and actors to give you their best casting hints and tips...




Team SR Top Casting Tips :

Model Ellie recommends that you "always do your homework about the client before a casting and go prepared."  She says she takes a bag with her which has her book and casting cards in.  She says "another tip is to go natural, I have a simple black top on, vest tops are good too, and just keep your makeup really simple if are you going to wear some."

"Be yourself, it's important to show your personality. Just let go! After you've cast, relax, what will be will be." Great advice from Classic Model Amma!

Nikkita says "Always read your emails, always check what your agent has sent you, what the client is requesting AND the small print in case you miss something out, and you are supposed to wear something specific on the day which you don't have.  Very embarrassing and unprofessional."

Juliana's top tip is to be prepared! "Make sure you leave yourself a lot of time, if not you can look stressed or rushed."

Actor & Influencer Hugo's advice is to... "Smile! Generally people are far more engaging and attractive and the energy is so much better when they're smiling, AND you have a much better time."

Antony's tip for you is "Look after your skin, and your skin will look after you! Let the client see the natural you"

And finally... a brilliant tip from Mei-Li "Keep self-tapes brief, imagine they're probably recieving hundreds, so they don't have time to listen to your life story."


We hope these tips help you out with your next castings and self tapes, stay professional, have fun and show your personality... good luck!


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written by Georgia Butler

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